Good morning

One habit I've learned early is to get up at 5:30. For me, that's an hour earlier than I need to. That hour is so essential to my day. Connecting with God, saying what I'd like to do, but always aware that it's only my requests, not demands. And as the day goes on, no matter how busy it may get, I know that I have taken care of the most important thing of the day. I always ask to be inspired and guided in all my actions. Maybe not everything I do is a suggestion from the holy ghost, but when I do get that little nudge to do something, and I follow it, it's really pretty amazing how nice the result is when I can see it wasn't of my own thoughts or actions. From there, when one good thought leads to good action and more good action, I can see how much God or Jesus, can really be a part of one's life all the time, if you let him be that is. Have a blessed day my friends!


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