Just a little maintenance for the site

This post isn't much for a read. as I am getting this blog off the ground, I'll be doing routine maintenance now and then and this is part of it. Thank you for subscribing and google +'ing me.  Today's learning has been about labels and keywords for me. These may be things you already know about, but as I have always been a writer for myself, taking the step to let the public read is something I've wanted to do, but haven't known where to start. As I am writing this finally, at home, with time to focus on what it takes to really blog for a living; I will tell you some of the lessons I have learned so far. Well, as you already are reading this, getting a blog is the first part.  Silly, I know, nothing about your smarts, I meant that for me. With so many places to pick from on what site to start a blog on, even that felt a bit daunting for me. I am very much a fan of Google and over the years I have come to rely on all of it's features to get me through my day, from the alarm clock on my google phone, to the YouTube Videos I quiet down at night before falling asleep to, the obvious answer is the Google Blogspot. Easy to use, no real start up needed for my account. A little attention to some important details and I'm off to the races! Now as I look up keywords and what they mean to the traffic on my site, it's like a whole new world just opened up for me. Thank you keyword!


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